
The most respresentative images of Clan Hávamál.
Here you can find the most emblematic images of Clan Hávamál and also individual pictures of each of its members, activities and the work each of them does.

Póster del curtmetratge de 2012

Aparició del Jarl del Clan Hávamál al Cartell de l'event medieval celebrat a la població de Ciutadilla l'any 20122

Recopilation of appearances of Clan Hávamál in media.
The pictures belong to our collaborations in shootings, reenactment events and other projects.

Clan Hávamál in Wolin Festival.
Every year in the begining of August the most important reenactment festival takes place in Wolin (Poland).
For us this festival has always been one of our most important source of inspiration when it comes to design our clothes and to build the material for our camp.
Since not all the members of our Clan were able to go there, we were more than happy that one of our members went there and got to know some members of the most prestigious group, "Jomsvikings".

Shooting with Buenafuente.
Indeed it was a great experience for all of us.
The memory of collaborating in a sketch of "El Terrat" will always remain in our heads.
It was amazing to be able to talk to the technical team and the actors about our work as reenactors.
"Buenas noches y Buenafuente" 09-05-2012

Col.laboració amb l'exposició "Víkings" al Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Universitat de Granada

Col.laboració amb l'exposició "Víkings" al Museu Marítim de Barcelona
Academic Collaboration
Images of promotional activities related with the academic world. Collaborations with universities and museums.